I Won’t Let Go (Monarchy): Testo-Traduzione-video

around-the-sun.jpgI Won’t Let Go, è il nuovo singolo della band britannica Monarchy.

La canzone, è estratta dal loro album di debutto intitolato “Around The Sun“, disco pubblicato l’11 luglio 2011.

Andiamo ad ascoltare quest’inedito tramite il video ufficiale che trovi dopo il salto.

Subito dopo, trovi il testo in inglese e la relativa traduzione in italiano.

Video I Won’t Let Go – Monarchy

Testo I Won’t Let Go (Lingua Originale)

I watch you from afar
Can’t reach your burning star
Still I will keep you safe in my sight
I know we hardly speak
But your words I can complete
I have built you up too high to talk you down

And I won’t let go
I won’t let go of you
There’s no limit to my love
No limit to my love
I won’t let go my love

Can’t step over the line
And you don’t give me any sign
So I will take a deep breath and rise up
I live unnaturally
Half with you half with me
All my words lay waisted at your feet

Can’t you see I’m waiting for you to come back to me
I never left you only you can choose what you wanna see
What can I do I’m still in love with you

Traduzione I Won’t Let Go

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I Won’t Let Go (Monarchy): Testo-Traduzione-videoultima modifica: 2011-07-08T11:01:00+02:00da alfonsoclaps