Testi Musica

Malika Ayane “Mars”: testo-video

Mars, è una nuova canzone della cantautrice milanese Malika Ayane.

Questa canzone tutta in inglese, equivale alla alla settima traccia estrapolata da Ricreazione, nuovo album disponibile dal 18 settembre 2012.

Ascoltiamo l’audio dell’inedito tramite il video-cover sottostante, condito dal testo completo.

Video Mars – Malika Ayane

“Invia la suoneria “Mars” sul tuo cellulare

Testo Mars

Night is rung wild
and i’m wondering what
it is about you
fighting with my bed
trying to get some rest
when a spring bird starts to sing
that men come from mars
i should know that
venus is my home
so why am i not there?
cause i want you
i need you anyhow
i want you
i need you to grow
i can’t spend my days correcting your mistakes
giving you all i’ve got
for free
men come from mars
i should but that
venus is my home
so why am i here suffering? cause i want you
i need you anyhow
i want you
i need you anyway
i want you
i need you anytime
i want you
i need you to grow…

“Invia la suoneria “Mars” sul tuo cellulare

Malika Ayane “Mars”: testo-videoultima modifica: 2012-12-21T10:16:25+01:00da