Testi Musica

Death To My Hometown (Bruce Springsteen): testo-video

Death To My Hometown, è una nuova canzone di Bruce Springsteen, musicista e cantautore americano.

Il brano, è estrapolato dal nuovo prodotto discografico “Wrecking Ball“, in vendita dal 6 marzo 2012.

Molto duro il testo, che attacca una società divisa da maggioranze e minoranze, dove purtroppo il ricco batte il povero ed il debole ha la peggio sul forte.

Puoi ascoltare questo brano tramite video-cover che trovi quì di seguito, insieme al testo in inglese.

Video Death To My Hometown – Bruce Springsteen

“Scarica ed invia la suoneria “Death To My Hometown” sul tuo cellulare

Testo Death To My Hometown (Lingua Originale)

Quì trovi la Traduzione

Well, no cannonballs did fly, no rifles cut us down
No bombs fell from the sky, no blood soaked the ground
No powder flash blinded the eye, no deathly thunder sounded
But just as sure as the hand of God, they brought death to my hometown They brought death to my hometown, boys

No shells ripped the evening sky, no cities burning down
No army stormed the shores for which we’d die, no dictators were crowned
I awoke from a quiet night, I never heard a sound
The marauders raided in the dark and brought death to my hometown, boys
Death to my hometown

They destroyed our families, factories, and they took our homes
They left our bodies on the plains, the vultures picked our bones

So listen up, my sonny boy, be ready for when they come
For they’ll be returning sure as the rising sun
Now get yourself a song to sing and sing it ’til you’re done
Yeah, sing it hard and sing it well
Send the robber barons straight to hell
The greedy thieves who came around
And ate the flesh of everything they found
Whose crimes have gone unpunished now
Who walk the streets as free men now

Ah, they brought death to our hometown, boys
Death to our hometown, boys
Death to our hometown, boys
Death to our hometown, whoa!

“Scarica ed invia la suoneria “Death To My Hometown” sul tuo cellulare

Death To My Hometown (Bruce Springsteen): testo-videoultima modifica: 2012-02-24T09:27:00+01:00da