Testi Musica

Born Villain (Marilyn Manson album): Tracce-Testi

Born Villain, è il nuovo album di arte Marilyn Manson (all’anagrafe Brian Hugh Warner), cantautore, cantante metal rock ed attore americano.

Born Villain è il nono album in studio dell’artista, e vedrà luce a fine anno.

Le etichette discografiche sono Cooking Vinyl and Hell, etc. Records.

Ecco la tracklist di questo nuovo disco.

Tracklist album Born Villain (Marilyn Manson)

  1. Hey, Cruel World
  2. No Reflection” – 4:36 Video Ufficiale
  3. “Pistol Whipped”
  4. “Overneath the Path of Misery”
  5. “Slo-Mo-Tion” Testo
  6. “The Gardener”
  7. “The Flowers of Evil”
  8. “Children of Cain”
  9. “Disengaged”
  10. “Lay Down Your Goddamn Arms”
  11. “Murderers Are Getting Prettier Every Day”
  12. Born Villain
  13. “Breaking the Same Old Ground”

Bonus Track

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Born Villain (Marilyn Manson album): Tracce-Testiultima modifica: 2011-09-06T12:01:00+02:00da